Paulis ceramic workshop
In “Paulis Keramikwerkstatt” (Pauli’s ceramic workshop) Elisabeth creates beautiful, custom-made ceramics – from vases and bowls to a variety of decorative objects.
But why is Elisabeth’s workshop called “Pauli’s ceramic workshop”? Very simple: the idea to her passion came into being a few years ago in the old flat of her uncle Pauli. Additionally, Elisabeth was called “Pauli” herself in her youth leading to a number of funny mixups with her uncle.
Elisabeth always loved working with clay finding the action both relaxing and enjoyable. But best of all is the feeling of making someone happy with her creations and maybe even getting some positive feedback.
Since every one of her ceramics is one of a kind she has many regulars who cherish her work and who love to browse through her pieces in search for a new favorite to take home. And Elisabeth has something for everyone: be it plates, bowls, incense burners, pendants or figurines of bunnies, chickens, sheep, cats, owls, pigs, fish and many more.

Unfortunately, Elisabeth does not yet have her own shop but her ceramics are displayed at the Raiffeisen Bank Anthering were you can come by anytime and take a look at her newest creations. Elisabeth also participates in our yearly Advent market so you get a chance to admire her work and maybe buy a little present for a loved-one or yourself.
It is always a pleasure to meet people who are able to follow their passion. Elisabeth is intrigued to do something creative for herself and others. She is always looking for new ideas and is gratified by the enthusiasm friends and customers show for her little creations.