Organic vegetables by Klingerbauer
Rosi and Martin Klinger are organic farmers by conviction. They started out with market gardening to supply a buyer who, among other things, sold products on the organic market. But when the demand for organic produce grew they decided to open their own farm shop.
Organic vegetables at their finest
Their lovingly furnished farm shop is stocked with seasonal vegetables but they also produce vegetables suitable for storage for the cold winter months. To be able to offer fresh ingredients for cooking all year round they also buy in organic vegetables from other sources. But their biggest plus is their own produce – you only get freshness like this if you buy straight from the source! According to the principle: “Harvest today – sell tomorrow, without long routes of transport!”

Shopping at Rosi’s and Martin’s farm market is always a memorable experience: the beautifully situated farm and the adjacent vegetable gardens make for a lovely scenery. The Klingerbauer’s farm market may be more than a stone’s throw from the center of Anthering but if you combine your shopping with a little bike ride or a nice walk you can double the benefits for your health!
As one patron put it: “Sowing and harvesting – farming must be heaven!” Well, sure. But it is also a lot of hard work. And everybody has to pitch in wherever they can. During the summer they even enlist the help of interns. But for Rosi and Martin working in the beautiful ambience of Anthering, knowing that they are doing something for our environment, makes it all worth while!
Jonesing for some fresh vegetables?
Biogemüse Klingerbauer
Rosi und Martin Klinger
Berg 5
5102 Anthering