Local sights in Anthering
Anthering Herb Garden – Around 350 different medicinal plants
Growing on grounds that span around 1,000 square meters are some 350 different medicinal plants, next to which is also a “farmhouse garden” featuring typical flowers from our area such as yarrow, asters and sunflowers. Also awaiting visitors here is an herb spiral as well as a raised bed, while various wild roses adorn the “Rose Hill”. In the wetland biotope, frogs and toads scurry about between reeds, lythrum and irises. The herb garden is always open to the general public. Every year on the 15th of August, the “herb ladies” host a festival in the garden, during which they also sell many of their homemade products.

Hammer Mill and Smithy Museum – Traditional craftsmanship and rich heritage
The former hammer mill in Acharting at the foot of the Haunsberg guarantees fascinating insights into traditional crafts and lovingly nurtured folk heritage. Today’s “Hammermühle” is a hotel and event venue for romantic celebrations and special occasions. In one corner is a smithy museum which grants glimpses into this site’s storied past.

Anthering Parish Church – Consecrated to the “Assumption of Mary”
Found all the way back in the “congestum” of Archbishop Arno is an entry for “Ecclesia cum territorio ad Anteringas”, one of the 67 original churches in the bishopric of Salzburg, which at that time comprised the counties of Salzburgau, Chiemgau, Isengau and Inntal. The first church built on this site was presumably a wooden structure, later destroyed shortly after the year 900 A.D. during the Magyar invasions.
In the 12th cent. a Romanesque church was built. Remnants of this can be found in the lower section of the west tower with a rounded archway and a zigzag frieze, as well as a bricked-up double window in the tower. Today’s building is Late Gothic and dates from the 15th cent., while the raised tower and an onion dome were added in 1775. The current bell floor and onion dome are baroque.
On the south side is a beautiful gothic vestibule with 3 arcades with pointed arches on 2 octagonal stone pillars. Below the chancel is a crypt with original Late Gothic reticulated vaulting and a walled-in Roman altar stone.

Fuchsmühle – Experience for the whole family
Not far from the Hammerschmiede in Acharting is the picturesque Fuchsmühle. Here, the flour is ground just as it was in grandfather’s day. Guests are welcome to pay a visit to the mill, while the pleasant sales room offers first-class products related to baking. They also have freshly baked farmhouse bread every Tuesday!
Hours: Mon – Fri 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Contact: Manfred and Katharina Luginger, Phone. 06223/2424.