Die Hochstapler - étagères made from vintage porcelain
Rediscovering old china. Creating something new from something old with your own hands. This is the idea behind “Die Hochstapler”. And it is definitely a great one!
All beginnings are difficult
For Diana and Michael Wimmer and Lienbacher the year 2016 starts out with a good idea, lots of trial and error and not a few broken cups and plates. But – right around the Easter Holidays – “Die Hochstapler” is born. The production starts in the town of Salzburg, at the kitchen table of a small flat. It is the table of Diana and Michael. The two are bound by a love of good food, music, visits to the flea market, extraordinary designs and an enthusiasm for experimenting – with food, wood, clay, metal, textiles, stone and porcelain.

The product line
Since then the two of them design handmade étagères out of vintage china – according to their customers wishes. Every piece is unique! On their website their patrons may piece together their very own creation from a variety of options. Then Diana and Michael build the étagère after their customers design and send it out. For the undecided or those who like to be surprised there is also the possibility to let the “Hochstapler” decide. In addition, the works of the “Hochstapler” are for sale at select shops.
But that is not everything by any means! Maybe you have some old plates and cups lying around the house no longer matching any of your other china but too beautiful to throw out? Well, Diana and Michael have just the thing for you – their drill service: Just bring over your old china (upon prior arrangement) and within three days they will transform it into your personalized étagère ready for pick-up.

But what if you are so inspired by the idea of crafting étagères that you would like to try it out for yourself? Not a problem! Because “Die Hochstapler” offer workshops too. Due to our current situation straight at your door! According to the principle: If you can’t come to the workshop, the workshop will come to you. Diana and Michael deliver everything you need to build your very own étagère: vintage porcelain, drill, tools and material and of course a step-by-step video manual. Making your crafts project a guaranteed success! And in case you don’t want to work alone the “Hochstapler DIY kits” come in different sizes – for you and all your friends.

Excursion tips
Before we take our leave Diana and Michael would like to share their very favorite insider tips for a visit to Anthering: the village’s herb garden, the swing seat in the forest and afterwards a visit to the Antheringer Au to watch the wild boar.
Curious? Come take a look!
Die Hochstapler
Diana & Michael Wimmer & Lienbacher
Auweg 36
5102 Anthering
Email: office@diehochstapler.at